- разорять
- 1) General subject: beg, beggar, break, bring to nought, bring to ought, bring to ruin, depredate, desolate, despoil, destitute, destroy, devastate, distress, eat out of house and home, flay, harrow, harry, havoc, herry, lay waste, overrun, overwhelm, ravage, ruin, ruinate (кого-л.), shipwreck, unclew, impoverish, cut another's throat (кого-л.), sack2) Colloquial: clear out3) Rare: (havocked, havocking) havoc4) Economy: flatten, make bankrupt5) Jargon: drive to the wall, (кого-л.) shoot down in flames, break (кого-либо)6) Business: waste7) Makarov: play Old Harry, play havoc, play hell, play the bear, play the deuce, play the devil, play the dickens, play the mischief, unclue, eat out of house and home (кого-л.)8) Taboo: bugger somebody (кого-л.)
Универсальный русско-английский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.